How About Science? is managed and created by David Howe, who has been teaching science to kids, K through college, for over three decades. For many years, Dave was known as "Commander Dave" on a televised science program designed for elementary and middle school students called "Young Astronauts." Dave has taught in the public schools for over thirty years, has developed over a dozen different innovative science and engineering summer camp programs for elementary kids and was the elementary and secondary science methods instructor at Gonzaga University for several years.
In the 1990's, Dave developed the curricula and was the instructor for a variety of elementary and secondary science programs beamed via satellite television to school children across the United States. Working with a television crew, Dave's programs brought astronauts, engineers and scientists from around the nation into the classrooms of students from Eskimo villages in Alaska to the swamps of Louisiana.
Dave created "How About Science?" to support teachers and parents who need science education resources and training opportunities. By using the Next Generation Science standards as a framework, "How About Science?" identifies the best K-12 science education resources the internet has to offer and arranges them into lessons and supporting materials that provide high quality and motivational learning experiences. The general target audience for "How About Science?" is middle school, but because ability levels and needs vary widely, materials found on this website could be useful to students on any grade level.